Thursday, January 30, 2020

Research Proposal - Brief Provisional Title Essay Example for Free

Research Proposal Brief Provisional Title Essay Brief Provisional Title: To what extent does media reporting, during a two-month period in 2000 contribute to the vigilantes towards paedophiles. The main aims of the dissertation: It can be suggested amongst academic literature that much of the heightened attacks against paedophiles is media generated, generally the media is perceived as instigators of provoking and motivating heightened anxiety and vigilantes amongst the public domain (refer to Kitzinger, 1999b and Soothill, 1991). Ultimately it can be claimed that tabloid newspapers have led the way in the construction of the personification of paedophiles, often portraying them as perverts, evil and beasts, reinforcing the publics beliefs that paedophiles are somewhat a different species apart from ordinary people. It can be platitude amongst academic commentators that the newsprint media do more than merely reflect social reality (Greer, 2003, P.44), the media can be accused of amplifying a moral panic or even cultivating a mob rule mentality through such conceptualisations. The print media potentially play an active role in criminological theory, too exemplify labelling theory. The labelling theory focuses on the premise that crime and criminal behaviour is a social process, that of the relationship between an individual who is defined as deviant and those who have the power to label such individual as deviant. These general propositions attribute the media as an important factor in such process, thus helping to construct the paedophile with a hate figure identity. The process by which labelling occurs has social and psychological implications on those who are labelled, which in my research is paedophiles. Embedded within such theory exists the belief that such individuals who are labelled are likely to incorporate the label within their self-image and such stigmatisation is likely to affect how they are treated by others in the future. Indeed Spencer, 1999 proclaims that where paedophiles are hounded out, they will go underground (Spencer, 1999, P.178) . Such a theory will be applied into my dissertation to attempt to explain whether the labelling of paedophiles by the print media contribute to the vigilantes towards paedophiles. However throughout my research process there existed an identifiable relationship between the failures of legislation, in accordance to the protection of children and vigilante attacks towards paedophiles, as people seem to have lost confidence in the system and have decided to take the law into their own hands (David, 1997, P.20). But such a relationship will not be acknowledged within my research, as my aim is to examine the way in which paedophiles are represented and labelled through print media reporting. Examining such relationship between legislation and vigilante attacks would inevitably result in me exploring outside the realm of my research question. The central research question I wish to explore is: To what extent does media reporting, during a two-month period contribute to the vigilantes towards paedophiles? My initial hypothesis is that negative labelling of paedophiles perceived through the print media structure individuals perceptions. There also exists a certain complicity towards the way in which the print media reinforces or contributes peoples actions to act violently towards paedophiles. Reasons for undertaking research: Although I have never worked with sex offenders or with victims who have experienced such abuse, the desire to focus my dissertation on paedophiles originated from the tragic death of Sarah Payne in July 2000 by Roy Whiting, a previous convicted sex offender. What jilted my interest was the profound response of the public and media, which triggered a campaign for the implementation of Sarahs Law. Such a campaign resulted in the actions of the Sunday newspaper, the News Of The World publicly naming and shaming convicted paedophiles. To me this is detrimental not only to children but also to paedophiles are they are likely to pose a greater risk to children. A great concern of mine is the way in which paedophiles are stereotypically represented by the media, as it notably feeds the hysteria of public fear and incites such hostility for lynch mob frenzy. Methodology and methods: To investigate the way in which paedophiles are portrayed in the print media and does such portrayal reinforce violent behaviour, I wish to examine both written text and visual images, thus resulting in my methodology consisting of a qualitative approach. My methodology will allow me to explore the ideological themes and stereotypical language embedded within such press report, evaluating whether conceptualisations of the paedophile incite a violent mentality. The source of documentation I wish to analyse in my methodology, will be from national newspapers from the year 2000, such as the News Of The World, The Sun, the Daily Mail and The Guardian, which will consist of a time framework of two months, preferably being the months July and August. I wish to explore these specific months as the newspaper, the News Of The World, in the summer of 2000 undertook such initiative to publicly name and shame convicted paedophiles. Examining newspapers during this period will inevitably provide me with a rich source of information to evaluate and analyse. Due to my study concentrating on a limited time framework and a specific theme it is fair to illustrate that my study will not represent the norm of the print media in relation to the way in which paedophiles are ascribed with such label, my study will only represent a fragment of the print media. However my intentions from my findings is to elucidate the representation of paedophiles within the print media and provide a rigorous analysis concerning the way in which the media militates violent behaviour towards paedophiles. Thus in relation to my research there may exist some difficulties I may encounter these may include, with respect to a paedophile report, me questioning to what extent a report featured in a newspaper is actually valid, which could result in my findings representing a misinterpretation of paedophiles. With respect to resources, I may encounter difficulties in relation to gaining access to newspaper articles from the year 2000. Some articles can be gained from UWCN Library but other articles from newspapers such as the News Of The World and The Sun may result in me researching beyond the UWCN library to libraries such as Cardiff or even paying to order back issues from the internet. Bibliography: David, M. (1997). Child Protection, Moral Outrage or Mob Rule? Community Care. 7 August, PP. 20-21. Greer, C. (2003). Sex Crime And The media, Cornwall: Willan Publishing. Kitzinger, J. (2002). The Ultimate Neighbour Form Hell? Stranger Danger And The Media Framing Paedophiles. In: Jewkes, Y and Letherby, G. Criminology: A reader, London: Sage Publications. McDonald, l. (2001). Sex Offender, The Home Office And the Sunday Papers, Journal of Social Welfare and family Law 23 (1), PP. 103-108. Reiner, R (2002). Media Made Criminality. In: Maguire, M and et-al. The Oxford Handbook Of Criminology, Oxford university press. Thomas, T. (2002). Sex Crime, Sex Offending And Society, Cornwall, Willan publishing. Tierney, J. (1996). Criminology, Theory And Context, England: Longman. White, R and Haines, F. (1996). Crime and Criminology, An Introduction, Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Free Grapes of Wrath Essays: Steinbecks Biblical References :: Grapes Wrath essays

Biblical References in The Grapes of Wrath The plot of John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, can easily be related to many biblical references as well as it could be applied to the daily struggles of the lives of Christians. Two particular portions of this novel stick out more than any other. Those are the characters of Jim Casey and Pa Joad. Many say that Jim Casey’s character could possibly be symbolically tied into the biblical hero of Moses. In the Bibles book of Exodus, Moses guided thousands of people (God’s family, the Israelites) out of severe slavery and harsh treatment in Egypt. From there he led them into the promised land of Canon that flowed with milk and honey. Much is the same when looking at The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck could possibly be trying to infer the Joad Family as being the struggling Israelites. Casey acts as a leader who directs the Joads out of famine and hard times during the 1930’s in Oklahoma and into California where they can begin a new life with hope and fu ture. This book can also be symbolic to the day by day walks in Christianity. For example when Pa Joad needs helps and seeks guidance, it is Jim Casey who he turns to. Those who follow Christ call upon God in desperate times. Steinbeck infers that Casey, who happens to be a preacher, is somewhat of a Christ figure to the Joad family. He even throws a hidden clue in his name. The initials of Jim Casey are the same of those of Jesus Christ. Steinbeck implies that Pa Joad is symbolically a typical Christian who is struggling in a world of sin. The famine and horrible conditions of the great depression stand for the sin that is surrounding this battling Christian. So as a final resort this child of God turns to Jesus Christ for salvation and release from the sin in his life. These two characters display both the giving and receiving sides of God’s love towards his children.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Business ethics Essay

It is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in business environment. It applies to all aspect of business and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organization. Ethics is mainly concerned with what is good versus bad, what is right versus wrong. Deontology is an ethical theory that holds that actions are right or wrong independent of their consequences. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that holds that actions are right if they produce the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. Corporate social responsibility is the obligation towards the society assumed by business. The business maximizes its positive effects on society and minimizes and its negative effects. An illustration of of an ethical and social responsibility issue related to the textile manufacturing business. In today’s global business where large multinational corporations like the textile industry face charges of violating human rights in third world countries. Using child labor questions the human rights, ethics and social responsibility of the textile manufacturing industry. An analysis of how the textile manufacturing illustration applies to decision making and operations in an ethical and social responsible business. The economic responsibilities of business would produce products that society wants at a price that perpetuates the textile business. The textile manufacturing business decides on legal responsibilities where the obey local state federal and global laws. The textile manufacturing business makes decision based on their ethical responsibilities of meeting other societal expectation written or not written by law. Ethical obligations are a set of â€Å"ought to† standards that define a moral course of action and draw a line between right and wrong. Although ethical obligations in business share similarities with legal rules and regulations in determining how a business conduct itself while striving to make profit and achieve strategic company goals. Ethical obligations are really more about discretionary decisions value guided behavior. For example respecting the religious sentiments and dignity of people while advertising for a product. Legal obligations every business has a responsibility to operate within the laws of the land. Since these laws are meant for the good of the society, a law abiding enterprise is a socially responsible enterprise as well Scope and objectives The scope of ethics indicates its subject matter. Ethics as normative science deals with moral ideal or the good in order to enquire the nature of our conduct. It enquires into the nature of the springs of action, motives, intentions, and voluntary actions and so on. It determines rightness or wrongness of human action. As a science of morality ethics discusses the contents of moral consciousness and the various problems of moral consciousness. Ethics is concerned with the highest good or absolute good. It investigates the nature of its fundamental notions that is right, duty and good. It includes whatever has reference to free human acts, weather as principle or cause of action or as effect or circumstance of action (merit, punishment etc. ) Ethics discuss the nature of human freedom . ethics investigates what constitutes good or bad, just or unjust. It also enquires into what is virtue, law, conscience and duty? What obligations are common to all? What is good in all good acts? These questions lie within the scope of ethics. Objectives: Some of the most common ethical obligations in business relate to recruiting and hiring staff, maintaining safe and healthy work environment use business resources wisely and avoiding situations that have the potential to create a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts from suppliers or making a hiring decisions not because the applicant has the best qualifications but because the applicant is a relative of the business owner. It also includes considering how and where suppliers get their products and weather to sell the products that are detrimental to the health of customers such as cigarettes and fatty foods.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Personality Traits Of A Entrepreneur Essay - 1835 Words

The purpose of the essay is to make readers clear about does personality traits such as opportunity explorer, motivator, planner, risk taking, negative thinking, management of strategy and planning led to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s booming business field. The debate in major essay basically talks about the qualities that should person possesses in to achieve success in an entrepreneur. The debate I choose is important in my field because knowing about the personality trait entrepreneur in today’s world will show new comers about the abilities and the way of achieving success in business major. Debate is important in my field because this debate will encourage readers to get into the field of business and helps to learn business strategies so that they can get full knowledge about entrepreneurs. The thesis is does personality trait and propensity like opportunity explorer, motivator, risk taking, negative thinking, management and planning strategy can le ad to success in the business field. My goal in this paper is to research various details of personality traits to achieve success in an entrepreneur. Essay has organized in three main sections. First, it will present the information about the personality trait like opportunity explorer, motivator and planner with detail description along with some example. Each personality trait has a details favor point with examples to support my debate and other side essay have against the point. 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